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  • Registrant : City of Boston
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/11/15
  • Published : 2023/11/15
  • Changed :2023/11/15
  • Total View : 233 persons
2024/3/22 - 2024/3/24 / Boston / Otros


In the spirited hands of our new Artistic Director Jonathan Cohen, these exquisite choral treasures from Bach and Telemann are nothing short of divine. To open the program, the “unimpeachably excellent” H+H Chorus (The Boston Globe) keeps vigil in two contemplative Bach cantatas, with charismatically commanding soprano Robin Johannsen, a favorite from last season, soaring above. Then, after a rollicking romp through Brandenburg No. 6, Telemann gets the final word, comforting us even as he captivates. This is a double feature you don’t want to miss.

In the spirited hands of our new Artistic Director Jonathan Cohen, these exquisite choral treasures from Bach and Telemann are nothing short of divine. To open the program, the “unimpeachably excellent” H+H Chorus (The Boston Globe) keeps vigil in two contemplative Bach cantatas, with charismatically commanding soprano Robin Johannsen, a favorite from last season, soaring above. Then, after a rollicking romp through Brandenburg No. 6, Telemann gets the final word, comforting us even as he captivates. This is a double feature you don’t want to miss.

Address Boston
Date 2024/3/22 - 2024/3/24
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Vivinavi - Eventos

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