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  • Registrante : Boston
  • [Idioma]日本語
  • Fecha registrada : 2023/09/22
  • Fecha de Publicación : 2023/09/22
  •   ;: fecha de cambio2023/09/22
  • Vista de Página. : 
2024/1/23 - 2024/1/28 / Boston / Otros


Herman Melville’s immeasurably influential novel is brought to life in this radiant stage production featuring seven actors, fifty puppets, video projections, a drowned orchestra and a life-sized whale. Renowned director Yngvild Aspeli stages this eye-popping visual adaptation of Melville’s classic book with the help of the endlessly inventive Norwegian theater company, Plexus Polaire.

Herman Melville’s immeasurably influential novel is brought to life in this radiant stage production featuring seven actors, fifty puppets, video projections, a drowned orchestra and a life-sized whale. Renowned director Yngvild Aspeli stages this eye-popping visual adaptation of Melville’s classic book with the help of the endlessly inventive Norwegian theater company, Plexus Polaire.

Moby Dick is, on its surface, the simple tale of a whaling expedition, but the story’s haunting themes of unparalleled obsession lead us all to question the unexplained mysteries of life and of the human heart. In this groundbreaking production, the classic is reborn with a freshness and urgency that makes it truly unforgettable.

Dirección Boston
Fecha 2024/1/23 - 2024/1/28
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Vivinavi - Eventos

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