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  • Registrant : Boston
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/01/23
  • Published : 2024/01/23
  • Changed :2024/01/23
  • Total View : 275 persons
2024/5/6 / Boston / 기타

Curated Cuisine: Chef Laurence Louie and the rise of Rubato

Rubato, a modern Hong Kong-style café in Quincy, MA, is starting to capture the imagination of Boston’s culinary scene. But their growing reputation is not just in the Hub, Rubato was recently named one of Bon Appetit’s Best New Restaurants of 2023.

Rubato, a modern Hong Kong-style café in Quincy, MA, is starting to capture the imagination of Boston’s culinary scene. But their growing reputation is not just in the Hub, Rubato was recently named one of Bon Appetit’s Best New Restaurants of 2023.

Address Boston
Date 2024/5/6
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