길 검색

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이메일 주소 :   


  • 회원 : Boston
  • [언어]日本語
  • 등록일 : 2023/12/05
  • 게재일 : 2023/12/05
  • 변경일 :2023/12/05
  • 총열람수 : 236 명
2024년 4월 5일 - 2024년 4월 7일 / Boston / 콘서트 / 라이브

Handel + Haydn Society: BACH B MINOR MASS

Feel your heart skip a beat as the first chords of Bach’s choral masterpiece transform Symphony Hall into a cathedral. Then, buckle up for two hours of the master’s lush harmonies and intricate orchestral writing, performed with H+H’s trademark vigor on the period instruments Bach intended. Our friend and frequent guest conductor Masaaki Suzuki returns to the podium to illuminate the music’s magnificence anew.

Feel your heart skip a beat as the first chords of Bach’s choral masterpiece transform Symphony Hall into a cathedral. Then, buckle up for two hours of the master’s lush harmonies and intricate orchestral writing, performed with H+H’s trademark vigor on the period instruments Bach intended. Our friend and frequent guest conductor Masaaki Suzuki returns to the podium to illuminate the music’s magnificence anew.

주소 Boston
일정 2024년 4월 5일 - 2024년 4월 7일
구체적인 시간
구체적인 행사장

비비나비 - 행사정보

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