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2023/9/9 - 2024/7/28 / Boston / อื่นๆ
- [Contact]
- [Registrant]Boston
- [Language]日本語
- Posted : 2023/09/22
- Published : 2023/09/22
- Changed : 2023/09/22
- Total View : 249 persons
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- JAGBはJapanese Association of Greater Bos...
ボストン日本人会は、当地に住む日本人の方々のために、「教育、文化、福祉、慈善、その他の活動を行い、相互の友情を奨励する」目的で設立され、1965年に現在の組織となり、2015年に創立50周年を迎えました。1908年 (明治41年) に「ボストン日本人學生會(留學生之會)」という日本人組織が設置されたことが文献で確認されており、この組織が、その後当会へ継承、発展したと伝えられています。
+1 (781) 643-1061ボストン日本人会 (JAGB)
- 国内外の研究者のためのグローバルプラットホームです。是非ご参加ください。
UJA(United Japanese researchers Around the world:海外日本人研究者ネットワーク)は、「信頼の可視化を通じて研究者のウェルビーイングを育み、すべての日本人研究者が安心して国際的に活躍できるサイエンスの未来を創る」というビジョンを掲げています。これまでUJAは、①留学を検討する方への情報提供や支援、②海外の日本人研究者同士のキャリアにおける相互支援、③教...
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+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
Often misunderstood creatures, bats have long been associated with the underworld, magic and superstition. They have also come to symbolize good and evil. Highly beneficial to their ecosystems, bats are often regarded as indicator species that help gauge the health of the environment and reveal the effects of climate change and other human-caused threats.
Meet a small colony of live Egyptian fruit bats on view in The Dotty Brown Art & Nature Center through the run of the exhibition. Accompanied by PEM collection objects, contemporary artworks, pop culture items and interactive zones, visitors will learn about the unique biology of bats and more deeply understand the vital role they play in our lives, ecologically, culturally and as inspiration for technological advances.
Bats! features works by the following living artists. Resa Blatman, Michael Brolly, Nick Demakes, Juan Nicolás Elizalde, Steve Hollinger, Michael LaFosse and Richard L. Alexander, Tony Rubino, David Yann Robert, Rebecca Saylor Sack, and Jeffrey Veregge.
This exhibition is organized by and produced by ExplorationWorks! and Build 4 Impact Inc. All rights reserved. The installation at PEM includes additional artworks, objects, interactives, and text developed by the museum and is made possible by the Dorothy Brown Bequest for Art and Nature and the Albert M. Creighton Jr. Fund for Art and Nature. Additional support was provided by Susan and Appy Chandler and the Creighton Narada Foundation. We thank the generosity of Carolyn and Peter S. Lynch and The Lynch Foundation, and James B. and Mary Lou Hawkes, Chip and Susan Robie and Timothy T. Hilton as supporters of the Exhibition Innovation Fund. We also recognize the generosity of the East India Marine Associates of the Peabody Essex Museum and the support and guidance of the Art & Nature Center Visiting Committee.