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Search Keyword: 音楽 | 18 results | Search time: 0 seconds
- Already ended
- 2024/07/01 (Mon) - 2024/07/31 (Wed)
- Boston
Video audition for concert performance at Harvard UniversityThis text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)
This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)
You may also apply with a video you have used in the past.
Video judging will be given for performances on all instruments including piano, strings, voice, woodwinds, brass, ancient instruments, and classical guitar. Categories are solo, duo, and chamber music. Applications in more than one category are accepted.
Early deadline for video judging is May 31; final deadline is July 31.
Winners' concert will be held on October 13th (Sun.) at Memorial Church on the Harvard University campus
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- Already ended
- 2024/06/01 (Sat) - 2024/06/30 (Sun)
- Boston
Video audition for concert performance at Harvard UniversityThis text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)
This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)
You may also apply with a video you have used in the past.
Video judging will be given for performances on all instruments including piano, strings, voice, woodwinds, brass, ancient instruments, and classical guitar. Categories are solo, duo, and chamber music. Applications in more than one category are accepted.
Early deadline for video judging is May 31; final deadline is July 31.
Winners' concert will be held on October 13th (Sun.) at Memorial Church on the Harvard University campus
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- Already ended
- 2024/05/01 (Wed) - 2024/05/31 (Fri)
- Boston
Video audition for concert performance at Harvard UniversityThis text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)
This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)
You may also apply with a video you have used in the past.
Video judging will be given for performances on all instruments including piano, strings, voice, woodwinds, brass, ancient instruments, and classical guitar. Categories are solo, duo, and chamber music. Applications in more than one category are accepted.
Early deadline for video judging is May 31; final deadline is July 31.
Winners' concert will be held on October 13th (Sun.) at Memorial Church on the Harvard University campus
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- Already ended
- 2024/04/05 (Fri) - 2024/04/07 (Sun)
- Boston
Handel + Haydn Society: BACH B MINOR MASS
- Already ended
- 2024/04/02 (Tue)
- Boston
Patti LuPone A Life in Notes
In this personal musical memoir, LuPone, backed by her band, shares the indelible songs that define her life on and off the stage.
- Already ended
- 2024/04/01 (Mon) - 2024/04/30 (Tue)
- Boston
Video audition for concert performance at Harvard UniversityThis text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)
This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)
You may also apply with a video you have used in the past.
Video judging will be given for performances on all instruments including piano, strings, voice, woodwinds, brass, ancient instruments, and classical guitar. Categories are solo, duo, and chamber music. Applications in more than one category are accepted.
Early deadline for video judging is May 31; final deadline is July 31.
Winners' concert will be held on October 13th (Sun.) at Memorial Church on the Harvard University campus
Contact email
- Already ended
- 2024/03/27 (Wed) - 2024/04/07 (Sun)
- Boston
- Already ended
- 2024/03/01 (Fri) - 2024/03/31 (Sun)
- Boston
Video audition for concert performance at Harvard UniversityThis text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)
This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)
You may also apply with a video you have used in the past.
Video judging will be given for performances on all instruments including piano, strings, voice, woodwinds, brass, ancient instruments, and classical guitar. Categories are solo, duo, and chamber music. Applications in more than one category are accepted.
Early deadline for video judging is May 31; final deadline is July 31.
Winners' concert will be held on October 13th (Sun.) at Memorial Church on the Harvard University campus
Contact email
- Already ended
- 2024/02/23 (Fri) - 2024/02/25 (Sun)
- Boston
- Already ended
- 2024/02/10 (Sat)
- Boston
- Already ended
- 2024/02/09 (Fri)
- Boston
This young quartet, all recent Berklee alumni, create arrangements and original compositions from an improvisational and nebulous state. They take inspiration from their diverse backgrounds and musical identities. Their joy at creating and performing together will make this concert a unique and memorable experience that you’re going to enjoy!
- Already ended
- 2024/01/08 (Mon) - 2024/01/09 (Tue)
- Boston
- Already ended
- 2023/09/01 (Fri) - 2024/04/30 (Tue)
- Boston
- Already ended
- 2021/03/26 (Fri)
- Online
- Already ended
- 2021/03/06 (Sat)
- ny
CATCH US PERFORMING ARTS (CUPA)主催 三周年記念GALA〜日米三大都市ファンドレイジングコンサート「音を紡いで」
東京からは、「異邦人」のヒットで知られる久米小百合(元久保田早紀)が歌とピアノで、井上とも子(チェロ)と共演し「異邦人」他を披露、ハープ・セラピストの松井美彩子は美しいハープの音色を披露する。ロサンゼルスからは、ギリシャ、バルカン民謡を得意とする日米ハーフのシンガーソングライターのAya Safiyaが、ニューヨークからは、参加アルバムがグラミー賞にもノミネートされた百々徹が熟練したジャズピアノを聴かせる。各アーティスト(松井は1曲)は3曲演奏予定。
CUPAは2018年9月1日に501(C)(3)米国法人として発足、ライフアドバイザー 本木祐子 (ジャパンセンターNJ代表)、イベントプロデューサー 河野洋(Mar Creation, Inc.社長)、ダンススクール主宰、平川美代子(TMH Dance, LLC.代表)の3名が理事を務める。日本をキーワードに若手育成、アーティスト支援を目的とし、文化、芸術、エンターテイメントを通して、日米交流と、より良い社会作りを目指す。活動内容は、ニューヨークを中心にパフォーマンスイベント、ワークショップ、レクチャー。コロナ渦の中、昨年から「アーティストの為の英語発音矯正」、「アーティストの為のVISAセミナー」、「全米シニアの為のオンライン日本演芸シリーズ」をスタート、本年も昨年同様のイベントが定期的に開催され、奨学金制度を取り入れ、さらに充実したプログラム内容になっている。
- Already ended
- 2020/12/12 (Sat) - 2020/12/12 (Sat)
- Gardena, CA
アメリカ在住日本人向け 仏教が分かる!自分が分かる! 日本人のアイデンティティ・仏教を学ぶ
- Already ended
- 2020/11/17 (Tue)
- ny
同シリーズの第一弾は、落語家の柳家東三楼とざぶとん亭龍二、日本舞踊の三宅由利子が出演し、去る25日に全米各地からの視聴者が集めて開催されたが、第二弾は全員メンバーが女性という「べんてんや 」、そして、ニューヨークを拠点に活動を続けるフィジカルコメディアンの岩佐麻里子という日米からの出演者によるパフォーマンスが披露されます。
- Already ended
- 2020/10/25 (Sun)
- NY
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- A different world down the stairs Sushi ...
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- JAGB is an acronym for Japanese Associat...
The Japanese Association of Boston was founded in 1965 to "conduct educational, cultural, welfare, charitable, and other activities for the benefit of Japanese residents in Boston and to encourage mut...
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