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  • Registrant : Boston
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/22
  • Published : 2023/09/22
  • Changed :2023/09/22
  • Total View : 285 persons
2024/1/8 - 2024/1/9 / Boston / Other


Madonna’s shows at TD Garden originally scheduled for August 30 & 31 have been POSTPONED. Ticket holders should retain their ticket for the new dates which will be announced at a later time.

Madonna’s shows at TD Garden originally scheduled for August 30 & 31 have been POSTPONED. Ticket holders should retain their ticket for the new dates which will be announced at a later time.

The Celebration Tour, in an iconic viral video with a wink to her groundbreaking film Truth or Dare. The video features notable names such as Diplo, Judd Apatow, Jack Black, Lil Wayne, Bob The Drag Queen, Kate Berlant, Larry Owens, Meg Stalter, Eric Andre and culminates with Amy Schumer daring the global superstar to go on tour and perform her four decades of mega hits.

Madonna, the best-selling female solo touring artist of all time, rises to the challenge announcing The Celebration Tour which will be highlighting her unmatched catalog of music from the past 40 plus years.

Address Boston
Date 2024/1/8 - 2024/1/9
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